Cloud Floating Free Sangha

Mindfulness in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh

Guided Meditation on the Body

Guided Meditation on the Body Throughout this meditation, let's focus our attention on the body. As we watch the breath moving in and out, we recognize that the breath inhabits the body. We see our chest moving in and out; we feel the breath filling our lungs and...

Breathe, You Are Alive

Sutra on the Full Awareness of Breathing Section One I heard these words of the Buddha one time when he was staying in Savatthi in the Eastern Park, with many well-known and accomplished disciples, including Sariputta, Mahamoggallana, Mahakasapa, Mahakaccayana,...


We are meeting online and in person.
Wednesday and Sunday Sanghas are meeting both in person and online.

Monday – Friday Morning
Meditation is online only.


Please RSVP to sign up for in-person for each session on Wednesday evenings at

TIMES (Eastern Time)

Wednesday, 5:55 – 7:30 pm

Sunday,10 – 11:30 am

Morning Meditation, M-F. 8:45 – 9:30 am


Sunday Mornings are in the Ivy area

Wednesday Evenings are in town