Guided Meditation on the Body

Throughout this meditation, let’s focus our attention on the body.

As we watch the breath moving in and out, we recognize that the breath inhabits the body. We see our chest moving in and out; we feel the breath filling our lungs and spreading throughout the body.
We feel ourselves sitting on the cushion, we are aware of our surroundings: the sounds, the temperature, the environment…

When in the observation of the body, we can breathe in our awareness of the body, recognizing the tensions and anxieties that we hold in our bodies; and when we breathe out, we relax the body, releasing all the tensions and anxieties in our bodies.

We may like to do a scan and work with each part of the body until we can feel a total relaxation and letting go.

We begin to observe the effects of emotion on the body and the effects of thinking on the body, realizing that the body and mind are one. Relax the body and we calm the mind.
In practicing this meditation, we can concentrate on the recognition of emotions and thoughts in the body. And then, as we go through our daily lives we will have a stable base from which we will be able to transform their effects on us in the present moment more successfully.

Breathing in, I know that I am breathing in.
Breathing out, I know that I am breathing out.

Breathing In , I follow my in breath all the way in.
Breathing out, I follow my out breath all the way out.
Following In
Following Out

Breathing in, I am aware of my whole body from head to toe and back again from toe to head.
Breathing out, I smile and I relax my whole body.
Aware of Body
Relax Body

Breathing in, I know that I am alive and that makes me happy.
Breathing out, I know that I am sitting on my cushion and that brings me joy.

Breathing in, I am aware of my body as emotions arise, both positive and negative.
Breathing out, I smile and I calm my body and my emotions.
Aware of body and emotions
Calming body and emotions

Breathing in, I am aware of my body as thoughts arise, both positive and negative.
Breathing out, I smile and I calm my body and my thoughts.
Aware of body and thinking
Calming body and thinking

As I breathe in, I stay with my body and I am in the present moment.
As I breathe out, I stay with my body and it is a wonderful moment.
Present moment
Wonderful moment